Te Awa O Waitohu WRITING

This week room four and I have been writing recounts about our Awa trip. When writing my recount it made me think a lot more about all my punctuation and all that kind of stuff. My  recount took my a few days to finish because I wanted to put in a lot of detail in it. In mine got about three hundred and twenty words and I felt really good about that. Here is my recount.

The bell rang. “Is that for us?” “Yes,” I announced ! Room Four and I went to the Waitohu Awa to do some testing. We all had to wait on the deck outside the library. We walked out the back gate and made our way to the awa. We passed through two gates and went up a hill. 

When we arrived at the awa Matua Kahuna’s car was there but no one knew why. We got down there and sat on some mats and Matua went through all the  safety rules. Then we got right into all the activities but first we had to get into some groups. The people in my group were Harper, Ryan, Sophia and Milahn. 

Our first activity was mindfulness drawing. I really liked that one. The second activity was the macro-invertebrates, we did that with Matua Kauha. We got to look for some  invertebrates with a lot of different tools like nets big and small, a spoon, a magnifying glass and a lot more. That was my all time favorite one. 

Our third activity was conservation. We did that with Whaea Annie. We  had a sheet and examined the awa. Some of the things on the sheet were how the ground felt; it felt like a whole bunch of rocks, where there were ripples and a bunch more.  I liked that one but it was not my favorite one. Our final activity was water testing and we did that with Mike. For this one we used a thermometer to see the temperature, a clarity tube to see how clean the water was and a few more things. 

Then we all met back on the mats and put our clipboards away as well as our pencils and walked all the way back to school. It was about two fifty so me and Neve had a road patrol so we went and did that. I loved going it was so much fun.

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